Monday, October 31, 2005


Pat at Maruba


Josie Summers, Meralla and Pat


Don preaching at Progresso


Maruba Resort


Children at Pine Ridge Sunday School


Brother Victor at August Pine Ridge


Don & baby at Pine Ridge Sunday School


Building Churches

October 31, 2005

Rebuilding Churches

Things are going good here. We are still going to August Pine Ridge on Sunday night and Wednesday night. There were 25 in Sunday School yesterday. But they are youths and teens. There are still no adults coming except the ones we bring. We carry only people that aren’t coming to church here. San Lazaro has gone over there a few times for a visit to help encourage. there sister church. They don’t have a pastor here that comes all the time. He lives a San Hill and rides the bus. He now has a new baby. I don’t know what he will do but he is not able to come all the time. they need a pastor from this village that can be there for them. And speaks Spanish. Bro. Victor is doing good at August Pine Ridge He is really stirring things up in the village. He is fearless and preaches the word. August Pine Ridge is a hard village . The devil has a hold on it. If anyone can change things he can. We carry two teens and three youths and two ladies all the time, others come at times. with us. We had an interesting time last night. There has been a group of boys that have been standing at the doors and windows causing a distraction laughing and carrying on and smoking weed. They have been getting bolder and bolder as they stand in the dark. Last night they were shooting firecrackers . We were worried they would throw them in the church. But they didn’t. There are horses all in the church yard we also thought they might run one through the church, .but they didn’t. Victor talked to them and invited them in. I talked to them on Wednesday night and ask them to please show respect to the house of God and they were invited to come in. They went away and didn’t show me disrespect. Last night they became bold enough to come inside at least four of them. All were quite except one. He was drunk and wanted too amen everything. Then we wanted to sing at that time Bro. Victor closed the service and quickly asked Don to pray. He wanted a Spanish Bible but we don’t have any. Maybe I can find him one in Belize City. Bro. Victor talked to the young man and had everything under control as far as we could see. We left at that time because the young men were calling the young men that were with us outside. We had already told them not to leave the church and they obeyed. One wants to marry the pastors daughter and wants to help him in the church. I know the Lord is working and something good will come of this. I don’t thing the adults will come until the young men quit surrounding the church. I feel we are getting close to a breakthrough there!! People know the Methodist Protestant Church is still alive and is working in lives .in that village Pray for us as we go.
We went to Progresso Sunday morning there were about thirty-five. There were a lot of youths and several women. No men were in attendance. I carried sweets and played my auto-harp and Don preached.. I left color sheets , glitter, glue and colors for there Sunday School. We will go on Saturday night this week. We are hoping to get some men out. They will do there own Sunday School.
I have been worrying about literature in Spanish. We have looked everywhere. Praise the Lord. We found some in the Assembly Of God Store. The children’s books are not on doctrine. I found them with pretty pictures and the book to match for ten cents Belize. It was a answer to prayer. Don said you should have seen my face when she said ten cents. I couldn’t believe it. She said they were new but lasts months but who care about that. I almost shouted. A Spanish lady with us Angie read much of the material. I got material for August Pine Ridge, Firebun., Guina Grass, and Progresso. We found Galo some at another store that he liked and would meet the requirements of the adults.
We had a good time with Mrs. Josie Summers she stayed ten days . She stayed with Mrs. Gloria part of the time and with us part of the time. We really appreciate her sacrifice of all her books. She brought enough for each child to have one in San Hill School. And sent several to San Lazaro. Thanks again. I am sure she has seen a lot of changes on this field since the 1960s She was a pleasure to be with and we are glad she found many friends of long ago. .We went to harvest at Sand hill they do not celebrate Thanksgiving here as we do . But each school and church celebrates Harvest. It was really beautiful. All the children dress in satin dresses and the boys in bow ties carrying fruit in basket s presenting it to the Lord. And giving Praise to Him! It was a good day for all. This Sunday will be Harvest here. We are looking forward to it.
We have had killer bees again. I lit candles again for company. I love candles and by dark they were about two gallons on the side of the Mission House. I’m not sure the scented candles brought them but it makes me a little concerned that makes three times they have come here. The men say they love this house it smells nice? They have always been coming here though.. Don went and got a man from Orange Walk and he killed them. The government has people that will kill them without a charge. .They are very dangerous for the children and animals and anyone that they come in contact with. If one bites all will swarm you. There were only four bees that got in the house.
The ladies group is still going on we are having a great time in the Lord and spending the evening together. It has been good to talk about the Lord together.
We have been having some rain and wind but we have been spared most of the bad weather. Please continue to pray for us and our family. Metal for the roof will be delivered on Wednesday so if weather permits the men will start roofing. Thanks for your prayers., please continue to pray for us.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


August Pine Ridge & Progresso

Greetings from Belize,
Things have been busy as usual here. I will tell you a little about August Pine Ridge. We were so happy to have Manuel as the new pastor of August Pine Ridge the conference appointed him in June we were all excited and he was too. We did everything to help him get started. BUT this was his first church and a hard one to start at that. After three weeks he gave up and went back home to his singing group and his life there. Our heart was broken but that was his choice. We have prayed very much for a pastor that lives in the village we have gone every Sunday for several weeks looking for the right man. Ernesto and Merella went with us some of the time then Galo would go. But Praise the Lord we think we have found the right man he speaks no English so we carry interpreters with us. He says that the Lord has spoken to his heart. Don has talked to him a number of times and he talks very honest and straight forward. He has agreed to take the church. His name is Victor he has been a pastor before but lost everything in San Salvador during a earthquake. He has a large family. He has decided to quit his job and go into business with his son . He preaches very well and has a desire to grow the church.. His children have worked in Bible School and speak English well. The oldest girl helped Tracey while she was here this summer. Last Sunday she had 18 children this Sunday she had 21 young teens and children in Sunday School. We are excited about what the Lord is doing there. Pray for him as he has a hard task there. Part of his family will move in the house this week. We are going Sundays and Wednesdays for now. Trying to encourage him..
Travel this time of year is a challenge it has rained everyday. The roads are sometimes not passable. We have gone to Pine Ridge when water was over the road half of the way. It was worse when the water went down now we had mud. There are times I don’t know how we made it home. I guess the Lord just pushed us through the mud. The buses sometimes went through it driving backward over the bridges. So they wouldn’t get stuck. Finally buses couldn’t go over it. Our headlights have gone under the water. Orange Walk was just as bad. We came in last night Gravel Trucks were stuck cars where behind us they said try it . It looked impossible to me. There were men beside the trucks I guess if we couldn’t go through them they would have pushed us. One night I woke up to a racket and the 5 gallon water bottle had blown off the holder it was almost empty the kitchen was soaked as a sudden storm blew up. The roads are better now. But still there is a lot of water and they are very rough. The floods have washed out half of the roads in places. There is still a lot of water. Praise the Lord it hasn’t rained today and yesterday. Galo and Ernesto are trying to mow today while it is a little dryer. School hasn’t been closed here but half of the teacher’s couldn’t get here. Sand Hill has more water it was almost in the church and school was out a few days. There is water everywhere. It will not get in the Mission House here unless we have a Hurricane. Pray we want have one as this country is only a few feet above sea level.
The men have worked on the preschool rooms in the old part of the school. It is now leak free and bat free. All is painted and washed clean. There are 15 preschool children. They have new rugs to lay on and book shelves.. I have given them all the supplies that I have to help. I have given also to the Sunday School Classes.
Don went to check on tin today to do some roofing Praise the Lord. As soon as possible there will be some new roofs.
Yesterday we decided to go to Progresso. It has been a long time since we have been there. But the people were on our mind. Merella came and fixed stewed chicken for all of our lunches. We have been blessed by such caring friends. We have come to love them all. We decided to go and see if there were anyone interested in having a church there. Also to see what the church looked like. Don myself, Ernesto and Merealla started out praying the roads were passable. We arrived in Progresso and the church still looked the same. It was grown up however. It was sad to see it that way. We went to see Marecio and his family. Don and Ernesto talked to him. Me and Merella went to talk to the ladies . We where greatly blessed. There words were, “We had been waiting for someone to come. We had almost given up hope. We are Methodist Protestants. We will go nowhere else”. The church is clean and the curtains are washed. The sound equipment and key board is still there ready. The treasure still has the money about $60 dollars. We need a preacher. Please come and let us hear the word. Marecio said he had a dream that Ernesto had brought someone to help and that had just happened. We could have cried. There is a church waiting there for us. Don told them we would be back and clean the church yard and he will preach the twenty first. Pray God will call out MEN that will take these churches. The Lord directed us to Victor, He will to a man to preach at Progresso.. We came home Praising the Lord. It was a good day.
We went to the Leadership classes last week. There were several more to come. Had a great time in the Lord. Sandiago and Candace are doing a great job. Charlie Joe taught the month before and greatly blessed. It is a great tool here.
The ladies are still meeting on Thursdays we are having a great time in the Lord. It has been a great blessing to everyone. All have said they have had a life changing experience.
We had an interesting time Friday and Sat morning. We had won a trip to Maruba Resort. It is a Jungle Resort . We won it at Sand Hills Fund Raiser. What a good time we had . It is a fixed in Maya . Flowers everywhere. Even our food was decorated with leaves and dark pink flowers. With the Jungle music it was awesome. It gave us a much need rest and time to be still before the Lord. There were mud baths that were paid for. But I decided against that. I don’t know what color my hair would turn out or my skin. And besides the only covering the people had on in the preview was flowers. I decided to pass on this. I guess I have not totally gone native .
The house is still full of people everyday and night . We are so thankful that God has sent us to a place that we have been excepted so well.
Pray for us and our family as we seek to do the Lords will for our lives.

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