Wednesday, May 30, 2007


A job well done!


Praise the Lord it is finished!! It looks great!


The new gate and fence


Lunch Break!


Don working at Progresso

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


getting ready for a new roof


painting the house!


Looking good!!


youth working hard


Progresso Parsonage

Thursday, May 24, 2007




We are proud to have Brother Kenny and his team of young people with us from his church at Monticello, Mississippi. We are also proud to have Tony Russell. He has been a great help. They have been a great blessing to us and the Mission field here. They have worked hard on the Progresso parsonage. They have got up early and went to bed late. They have eaten all kinds of foods that they haven’t seen before without complaint. They are a polite group always offering to help in any way they can. It has been a pleasure to have them here with us. Everyone is excited about them being here. I will try to post some pictures later. Charlie Joe also has a team of young people here also. They are at Sand Hill painting the school fence. They have also been a blessing to us. Without volunteers this field couldn’t operate. We are always glad to see workers come to help in the ministry. Everyone was together here for tamales and fellowship Sunday night. The youth presented a good program Sunday night at San Lazaro. Everyone was blessed by there sharing. I am taking a few minutes before Angie and I prepare supper for them. I think they will finish with the work today and tomorrow get a chance to play. Ask them for there stories and I bet they will be glad to share them with you.




Don and the men have been very busy putting the fence around the Mission House and the School. They have the fence around the Mission House almost completed. It likes the wire and the gates. It will be a relief when that is finished. We can let the dogs out then and things can be more secure. There is a lot of theft in all of the villages and we have a lot of tools that cannot be replaced. The school also must have a fence with the computers and the children will be much safer. There have been several children taken in some of the villages. We are close to the border of Mexico and trafficking is bad in this country. We will be so proud to have the fence. Thanks Board of Missions and the people that gave to the Easter Offering. In this country a fence is very important many people respect it.


Fire Burn revival

We attended a revival at Fire Burn. We carried a van full with us. It was a good night. The evangelist was a young man from August Pine Ridge. I had wanted to hear him preach for a long time. He had preached at all the Spanish churches in this area. When he was younger he was on drugs and chopped his mother and family and went to prison. Where he repented and changed his life. I really wanted to hear his testimony but it was In Spanish and I had couldn’t understand but very little of it. We have invited him to the Mission House and maybe we can talk some more about his ministry, The Guinea Grass Band was there but not any of the people. There had been a terrible accident in San Pedro .A man on a golf cart hit Brother Santos ‘ 9-year-old grandson and killed him. The church and all of his people were really torn up. He had been to Bible school in Guinea Grass and we know his mother and all of his people. It is such a shame. Please pray for Brother Santos' family


Mothers Day

Mothers Day

Things have been very busy as usual here. Mothers Day was a special time in the villages. We went to Progresso on Saturday night and when we got in the church we could see all the pretty flowers and vases. The children had decorated all the pretty vases for their mothers. They had taken plastic bottles and cut them and formed the vases. They covered them in glitter! It was a good night for everyone. They also had chip, dip and fruit juice. Brother Carriallo preached there was a full house to help them celebrate. We also brought them some special vases for the oldest mother, the one that had the most children (14), youngest mother and other reasons; in the end all of the ladies got something.

We went to August Pine Ridge for Sunday school. Udie taught about 20 young children I brought flowers and things they could make and give to their mother or the one who takes care of them. They all had a good time and were excited to carry their mothers their gift. We had a good time.

On Sunday after Sunday school in August Pine Ridge one of the ladies invited us to her home to be with their family and share mothers day with them. They even gave me a present there were a good many people there. It was a special time for us. Several of the ladies came in the afternoon to visit and wish me a happy mothers day also. They were all worried because I didn’t have any family here to be with me. It was nice to have such thoughtful friends. I worried about my own mother she is 88. I called her and wished her happy mothers day. She has always been very understanding about our ministry. But still I miss being there with her for mothers day. Family from the states also sent their love and best wishes; it was a very special day

At night Mariella wanted Don to preach she always asks him when it is a special event. It was very nice service, the children did specials and there were a lot of special music. Every mother received a present from the church, presented by the husband, child, or mother. It was a special service and we were greatly blessed. There was chip,dip and cake afterward.

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