Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Bro. Pennington Preaching at San Lazaro




Tony Russell & Team


Penningtons & Gaines


Good Friends & Workers

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Team at Sand Hill

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Team at Sand Hill Mission House

Team at Sand Hill Mission House.
March 8th

It has been a fast month. I don’t know where the time goes. It has been great to have Charlie Joe here. We have enjoyed him very much. He has gone to Punta Gordo getting things ready for the Medical Team. He will return Friday and leave Saturday.
San Lazaro School won first place and second place in the spelling bee. We are very proud. They had a fundraiser here for the school and had ten schools. There were people everywhere. San Lazaro boys and girls won first place in the volley ball games. But won third place in Football. It was a great day. We are very proud of them.
Guinea Grass came to August Pine Ridge Saturday night and Bro. Santos preached and their band played. They have a lot of young men in there church. They brought a cane truck full of people. Along with s truck full of amps. It was a good night for all of us. August Pine Ridge cooked Spanish food to sell. It is good to see things happening at August Pine Ridge. . There will be a wedding there soon. We are excited about that. Don, Ernesto and Galo are working on getting the church painted. Thanks to the help of our bothers in Bro. Buddy Burton’s Church. (Hamburg, Arkansas)We can finish the work there.
It was a exciting week in Sand Hill putting the roof on the Mission House., putting a new shower in and fixing the ceiling. that had got wet and fallen out in one area. Thanks to The Men with a Mission headed up by Tony Russell. Kenny & Winston, Brian & Laurie Pennington and John and Vronica Gaines. Don and Myself were there to help. We couldn’t have done without Ernesto and Galo who spent the week with us. and of course Charlie Joe. It was a great week and a lot of work was done. We are grateful to all of our volunteers. This mission couldn’t run without the help we get from volunteers. We all went to San Lazaro on Saturday night and ate Spanish Food. at the Church. The Pennington’s and the Gaines spent two nights with us. They were a great Blessing. We went to August Pine Ridge for Sunday school. Then we went to Merallas for Ernesto Birthday dinner of Escabache. They ate sugar cane., corn ice cream, Plantain Chips, Don carried them to Shipyard to see the Mennonite Village That night Bro. Pennington preached at San Lazaro. He did a great job. And everyone was blessed. by their presents. On Monday we went back to Sand Hill. One night the Pennington’s cooked dinner and Sandiago and Candace and the boys were there. Bro. Pennington bought Shrimp for us and we all had a good time. On Wednesday we went to Windy Hills for our play day. We ate overlooking the City Of San Ignacio and saw one of the Mayan Ruins dating back to 1200 BC. We all had a wonderful week. Tony and his group went to San Pedro for there play day.
This week we have been trying to play catch up. We went to August Pine Ridge for Sunday school. And San Lazaro Sunday night. We went back to August Pine Ridge last night. I am still doing the Bible Study in the afternoon. There.
We had a bad thing happen to Survivor . He started to bleed and it wouldn’t stop it was pouring blood. from a cut on his ear. We thought he had been in a dogfight and had got hurt. We couldn’t find a dog Dr. that would see him at night. I didn’t know he had so many friends that cared for him. All were trying to help. Finely we deciced we would shut off the lights and maybe he would settle down. We hoped he would be alive in the morning and not bled to death. In the morning he was still bleeding very badly from his ear. It was decided he would be carried to the Dr. In Orange Walk. So Don, Ernesto and Galo carried him in the truck. He got his ear sewed up and found their were old wounds on it. I found out our neighbor had been troubled with a vampire bat that was getting his sheep and his dog!! I guess it smelled blood. The men spent the day yesterday fixing him a little house and putting up a light to keep the Bat away from Him. He is happy now and doing fine. I just wanted the dog lovers to know. God cares about little animals too.
We are excited about a revival and Bible Study that will be here for the Spanish Churches in April. That is a answer to prayer. It should be Two Spanish Preachers from the Congregational Methodist group in Northern Mexico will come and preach. Be in prayer for them.
Pray for us as we continue to do the Lords work and our families back home.

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