Wednesday, November 30, 2005


New roof on old part of San Lazaro School


Hello Charlie Joe guess who??

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Holidays in Belize

Nov 20th

I hope everyone has taken a part in Bro. Donovans Ministry . He is a blessing to the Methodist Protestant People. I know he will do well. Thanks for the prayers we have again missed the bad weather. God has put a shield around us so far. We have a brand new green roof on the Mission house. It looks great. The porch is fixed so we wont loose any children too. They will start roofing the old part of the school tomorrow. Everyone stays busy here all the time. Praise the Lord there is no more bats and the ceiling is cleaned and swept.
We have been busy with the churches. We are still going to August Pine Ridge last week there were more young men about 12 to 15. We were a little concerned they might mess with the van. But so far they haven’t . Victor wanted Don to preach last Sunday night.. Between the two of them the boys wont remain indifferent to the word. Don was preaching at the time and one of the young men was shouting shut up and they moved about three foot from the windows. Later there were some shouts of Praise the Lord. Still they don’t come in or leave. They didn’t shoot firecrackers. This time. I believe they will come in at some point. We went to San Lazaro Harvest it was very nice. The children sang and Praised the Lord. It was different then Sand Hills no bow ties and silk dresses. But the Spirit of the Lord was there and it was a good evening. We are still going to Progresso and carrying whoever likes to go. The van has gotten too full so we have had to limit the ones going. We ended up with 24 in our van the last time we said all could go that could get in. That was a mistake! WE need Spanish preachers Pray that the Lord will call some out.
We visited Guina Grass this Sunday they had been praying and fasting. They now have 27 family’s attending the church. They are having about 70 attending on Sunday night. We went on to Firebun they are doing good also . They have painted the church and are putting glass windows in. The conference is helping them buy them. There attendance is good . They have some new people going. We went to Harvest at Firebun on Sunday and had a great day. We were sorry that Sand Hill couldn’t come . Hattieville had there first Harvest also Sunday . There was a conflict in the times. Maybe next year they will get together on the dates. I am sure they will.
The leadership classes are going well . We carried 3 more from the Spanish area this last time. We are really enjoying them and learning a lot. That will help in the churches. And maybe raise up some new pastors!!
Thanksgiving will be this week. We have been invited to go to Sandiago’s and Candace for lunch. We are looking forward to that.. We don’t see them often as we are so busy all the time.
We have decided to stay here and have a Belize Christmas. It will seem a little strange. not being home for Christmas. We do miss everyone. But everyone is so busy this time of year we would hardly get to see anyone.
I went to town this week and got some decorations. They only get a little in and when there are gone there are no more. I found everything I needed even some candy canes. I had taken some of the ladies with me. As soon as we got home they all came home with me. They wanted to set up the tree and decorate it. The children from next door came and soon we had a Christmas tree set up on the front porch. The Christmas lights sing Christmas carols! Everyone is happy and have come to see the decorations and tree. We have bought lights for the outside, Too. A lot of the people here don’t have Christmas Trees and usually presents are a new set of clothes. The Christmas dinner is chicken stuffed with sausage and black soup . They want a black fruit cake that is too expensive to buy. I told them I would get the ingrediance if they would cook it. I told the children I would get a penyauda and fill it full of candy. We will have a party with the workers and the youth that go with us to the villages. Soon I heard them inviting the village children at the school. I told them we couldn’t have a party for the school. But who knows how this will turn out. I told the ladies and children that the tree would be a Mission tree for all of us. They were happy about that. Continue to pray for us and our familys.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Rev.Donovan Grinage

Friday, November 11, 2005



We have been greatly blessed by Rev. Donovan Grinage. He is the pastor of Hattieville Methodist Protestant Church. He has done great things here in Belize for the Lord. We are excited about what the Lord has put on his heart to do. There is a great need for it in Belize. Here is his testimony and plea for help in what he is called to do for the young men of Belize.

For many years I have had a burning desire inside me to do more than I am doing in the work of God. I knew I wanted to work with people, but I wasn’t sure what group, whether adult, youth or children. I also knew before becoming a Pastor and even becoming Pastor that my passion was and is and will continue to be in Evangelism, the winning and caring for souls.
I was sitting in a Catalyst Conference in Atlanta when I heard a gentle man by the name of Bill Strickland speak. What caught my heart and spirit is that from a poor community he built a facility that served to rescue children from a broken society and give them hope. I admit that was what I was sent there in Atlanta to hear. “Rescue people from a broken lifestyle and give them a chance”.
Combining that passion with my passion for soul winning and teaching Evangelism programs, I had it Youths.
The desire to set up and manage a school/home for youth between the age 13 to 17 who have been rejected, and abused, come from a broken home or really poor homes, lack of education etc. was clearly driving me to do something and stop dreaming.
My wife and I firmly believe that this is a call from God to serve Him in a multipurpose institute (for the lack of a better word) where we will be able to give young people a place to live and train for a maximum of 4 years, during which we intend to literate, educate, teach life skills, self-esteem, personal hygiene, respect etc.
Most of the entire real goal is to lead them one by one to know Christ, and everything else will be Christ centered thus “Attaining Excellence through Christ” (AEC).


For clarity and transparency on how we will manage your kindly given money or material, we will have a bank account if you choose to place it in the bank instead of my hand.
We will have a board of directors to advice and council on major decisions. We will also have a group of 4 other persons besides myself or my wife, two of which will have to sign along with me or my wife in order for there to be any withdrawal of money from the account that you faithfully support.
A quarterly report with activities and expenditures will be available for all supporters at your request. You are entitled to it and also to set up an appointment where you can come in and view the actual facilities and performance at work.
We prayerfully look forward to your monthly support.
We initially hope to cater for 8 youths. We need your support very much. Please keep in mind that this is a long-term program. You may pledge shares or you may choose to be a personal sponsor for one or more child/children for their 4 years. That would be greatly appreciated. You would have the opportunity to choose the child (children) from the group you want to sponsor.
Thank you for your co-operation to this worthy cause.
If you require further information, please contact:
Rev. Donovan Grinage
Home Telephone #011-501-205-5137
Cell #011-501-602-0055

Don and myself have seen the facility and it is almost complete. We are helping him personally all we can .If you would like to send money through us we would see that he got it. We are sure it would be put to good use. It lacks the doors and the windows It is almost completed on the outside. The roof is to be put on this week.. If you would like to be a part of this you can contact us at our e-mail or the phone here is #011-501-323-7029 cell#011-501-610-4518.

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