Friday, February 17, 2006


Don picking Oranges


Windy HIlls




Don just called the girls won first place !!! The boys also won first place!! . We are so proud of then both This was out of seven schools and the best of the bunch.


50th Wedding Anniversary


Good Friends !

Feb 17

Things are busy as usual around here. We had company this last week. Rev. Buddy and Carolyn Burton came and spent the week with us. They have been friends for many years; they have also been to Belize for several years on the Blitz. They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Feb 7th. After having a great party in the states. They decided to spend their dream Honeymoon here with us. They had only seen Progresso and that was about all. We carried them all around the country this time. We spent the night in Woodland Hills it is a beautiful place with a lot of flowers and all the trimmings of Belize. Then we decided to go to Five Sisters Lodge and spent the night. It is a beautiful place that is graced with five beautiful waterfalls. It has every flower in the world (almost). The little thatch roof cabanas nestled in the mountains. A truly awesome place. It is so quite and peaceful. The cabanas all have a little porch with a hammock. But as life goes it was time to get back to the real world.
We carried Bro. Buddy and Carolyn back to Progresso and let them retrace their tracks. They found people that they had ministered to long ago. It was a good reunion. Bro. Buddy preached to a good crowd of people. It was a great night for us all. On Sunday morning we carried him to August Pine Ridge. He and Carolyn fell in love with the people their. Sunday night was spent at Progresso to a large crowd. And a good Spirit. After a good night of singing and preaching it was time to go home. The alters were full of people. They left on Monday morning after a great week to see their family. We will miss them as they returned home.
The work is going great here. August Pine Ridge is doing better and has two new members. The young men that stood around the church are very quite or they don’t come at all. We are excited. The church is being painted. Part of it is started. . It will be a blue green window and doors; the church will be painted a light peach. It will be very pretty. The church is raising money for the curtains. Everyone is very proud. Don, Galo and Ernesto planted some flowers around the fence and the church. It will look great for the summer. They are planning a all day singing with Guinea Grass very soon.
Progresso is doing very well. Hellieberto is still praying about taking the church. Please continue praying. Guinea Grass people are planning a crusade next Sunday. Trying to start a revival in that area. We are excited about what the Lord is doing.
The Leadership Classes started back up. Their were 20 people their. We think this is going to be a great tool for our people. There are about half Spanish and half English people their now.
Charlie Joe came in last night it was great to see him.. We picked him up at the airport and went to eat. It was a good time to catch up on all that has been going on. We stayed up to about 12:00 talking then decided to call it a night.
Don and Ernesto carried two vanloads of kids to Belize City to play soccer. It has been an all day event. Don just called and said the girls had just won first place. The boys were still playing in a run off for first place. He said their were tons of people their. He was having a great time. Watching them. They will have all day games here at San Lazaro on March 3rd. They will sell food and it will also be a great fundraiser.
Charlie went to Sand Hill to check on the things at the office and visit. We think everything is ready for the teams that are coming in next week. We are looking forward to seeing them all. God Bless you all

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