Saturday, October 21, 2006



Angie has a little boy. Mother and son are doing great He was born yesterday. He is perfect!! Praise God

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Ordination of Brother Santos


Pastors' pray for Brother Santos'




Rev Donavon presents Ordination cet.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Rev. Ruben Santos & Mrs. Ophelia


Brother Santos' Ordination

Brother Santos’ Ordinations

It was with great pride that we were a part of Brother Santos’ Ordination. He is our oldest pastor. He has been with us longer than any of the pastors in Belize at least 12 years. He is a humble quite man. He also has the largest church in the Spanish area. His regular attendance is around 70. There are a lot of young men in his church in there 20’ s. They have a full band they are very proud of; they play at all the revivals and many of the weddings in the Spanish area. The church is very active in the community. There is a meeting every night. They have youth night, Ladies night, younger youth night, they pray and fast on Sunday morning at 6:00 AM for their church, they have an active visitation program. They have Sunday school, and Sunday night service and Wednesday night service. Brother Santos also Mentors other pastors. They have Bible Studies at times by Brother Victor from August Pine Ridge. His son Hileberto Santos is a now pastor of the Progresso Methodist Protestant Church; another son Relondo is part of the band and also a leader in the church. His wife Ophelia is also a hard worker in the church and a very quite and humble person. He financially supports his son Hileburto as he starts in his ministry as well as Spiritually. He has a large family and has tried to keep his family serving the Lord.
Brother Santos was ordained on Saturday at pastors meeting. There wasn’t a house full of people to share in his special day. But it was a very special time. You could feel the Holy Spirit in his church. The pastors all but one was there, they laid hands on him and prayed for him and his ministry. His wife sat at his side. His son Hileburto translated the words that were said into Spanish as he sat at there sides. Bro. Don gave an Ordination Speech. It was a great honor because the team from Arkansas had been at Guinea Grass for 12 years. We saw the church when it was in tents, in others houses and finally when the church was built. Brother Donovan did a great job on the Ordination service. Earlier he had given each one a chance to share their heart needs and each was prayed for individually. I believe the conference will go forward and great things will happen in the next year. They all have a vision of what they want and expect in this conference. They will help each other. Brother Donovan is encouraging each church as he spends a Sunday night a month at each church. They all feel special and needed. They also understand they will never be able to just pastor there churches they will have to support themselves as well as the church. He gave each an opportunity to leave the church if his family was in need because of the lack of money. All wanted to stay in their churches even though they knew there would be no support from other sources for them. There life would be a life of sacrifice and dedication with little honor on this earth. Then I saw the ordination was a fitting thing it was the way it was intended for a humble man with a humble life. The angles in Heaven rejoice for him and his family!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


San Lazaro School Teachers'



The Computer Room

Don and Galo have worked hard trying to fix the computer Room at San Lazaro School everyone is proud of it. I think it looks great with the new workspaces, paint and new tile. It will also work as a study place and library for the students. It will also have a fan in a few days.

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