Monday, July 31, 2006


Tammy Clark part of Arkansas Team


Babies through 6 years VBS


7, 8 and 9 years old VBS


Guinea Grass gets a new paint job


10, 11 , and 12 years old VBS


Adult & Teen Teachers


VBS Guinea Grass Teen & Adult Class


Guinea Grass Revival


Guinea Grass Church


Youth Sunday School Class at Guinea Grass


Guinea Grass Praise Team


Football at Guinea Grass Youth Ralley



Victors Family


August Pine Ridge Baptism


Baptism for Guinea Grass & San Lazaro

Baptism Guinea Grass & San Lazaro

Don baptized one young man from Guinea Grass yesterday Bro. Santos was in Honduras. The young man wanted to be baptized the day after his wedding on Saturday to start his marriage out right. Brother Santos had been counseling him and wanted Don to baptize because he was gone. The other young lady was saved at Youth Camp and her mother was sick and just came that day back from Guatemala. The lagoons were still to bad to go to so we went back to the river at Tower Hill. It still is raining everyday but the sunshine is out the rest of the day. It turned out beautiful yesterday. The river was high but there was still a good place not over your head. It was a beautiful service everyone standing around singing as Don baptized them. The Holy Spirit was there with us. There was a good crowd. The men standing around watching that weren’t from the church said they would have to remain a Catholic because they still wanted to drink beer. They were very quite and reverent. One later said he was thinking about being Baptized Brother Victor is going to do the follow up on that. So they could see there was a difference in the lives of these people even though no one spoke about it. Afterward a tour boat came up and let some people off. Don paid for all who wanted to ride on the boat until the money ran out. The Tour Boat was loaded down. Some had never ridden on a Motorboat it was a great treat for them. They said the ride made them feel very special to have such a special treat. It was a great day. All three churches took part in the service San Lazaro, Guinea Grass, and August Pine Ridge.
I am trying to get things washed up and cleaned up for Friday and Saturday. By popular demand they wanted to have Conference back at San Lazaro. So I will have a house full of Nationals this Friday and Saturday. Pray we will have a good Conference. And the Lords will in all that is done. .





We finished with about 400 in Guinea Grass. Everyone did a great job. I understand all the villages had a good number. Our main concern was August Pine Ridge and Progresso as they had just started up after being closed for some time. We sure wanted everything to go well there. From what we heard from August Pine Ridge Chris did a good job and the kids loved him. They had water balloon fights and a lot of fun for the children. We talked to Hillieburtos mother yesterday and she said that Hillie was excited about the results there. We had a few showers the last day but Praise the Lord the rain held off. The ladies from San Lazaro cooked for us the last day before we left and did a great job. After good-bys were said we all went to the hotel, there was a banquet Thursday night and everyone flew out Friday. He saw everyone off After an amazing week we headed back to San Lazaro .

Monday, July 24, 2006


VBS Gets Started

Bro Don was privileged to baptize three from August Pine Ridge. Br o Victor’s family that was saved at Youth Camp. The roads were too bad to go back to the Lagoon so we went to the River at Tower Hill. We carried a van full. It was a Bless Time it reminded me of my own Baptism on the river. After ward Don paid for them all a boat ride some of them had never been in a motorboat. They all loved it and it will be a day to remember for them. The rain held off and the sun shone for Gods children.

Well the house is full of people and we are having a great time! The Arkansas Team came in on July 17th. We all had a great time at Caye Caulker. After weeks of getting ready everyone needed a time to rest and get prayed up. The Alabama and Mississippi Team came in on Thursday. We were greatly surprised when Martha Headly came on the field to be the San Lazaro evangelist! The Teams have a lot of new people in them. We are anxious to meet all of them. Don carried all of the people to their stations and saw that San Hill and Hattieville had transportation., groceries and all their needs. We are excited about what the Lord will do this week. The rains have been bad this year. We are grateful that they have stopped for a few days and give things time to dry a little.
We had a great time at the youth rally at Guinea Grass. They had plenty of food and a football game going all evening. One van of the Blitz got stuck and went around the back way. We were a little late because we didn’t know where they were It was a relive to see they were at the Youth Rally at Guinea Grass. The Progresso Team decided to go on to Progresso before dark. That was a good decision because we have had a lot of rain and they didn’t know where they were going. It made us proud to see how Guinea Grass has grown in the Lord. They have a new Youth Director and it was his first time to direct anything. He didn’t realize he had three ex-missionaries in the crowd until Bro. Don told him later in the evening. He would have been nervous there are a lot of new young men that have came there in the last five years. Each church made a presentation it really made me proud to see them all.
We went to Guinea Grass for Church Sunday morning. It was great to see how far they have come. In the last few years. There was good attendance and a good Spirit there. If you have ever been to Guinea Grass and to some of the Spanish Churches you would see how far we have come in our walk with the Lord. They do not come in talking the first thing they do is go to the alter and pray. They are a humble people and very soft-spoken. The women and girls wear their hair long and wear dresses. They don’t wear make-up nor gold. Most don’t wear Bloomers (pants), The men wear there best. Usually white shirts. That is the way they believe. They take the church and Gods Word very seriously, some of the young have chosen a different way but they are considered. Liberal a part of the world. Even among some of our own churches. There are two different personalities. God is a God of variety in this little country, people worship in a lot of ways. But I pray we will always be a people that reflect God Holiness in everything we do or say as we carry Gods Word to our own country or another. I pray that everyone that has come on this field has prayed for all of our witnesses as we reflect Christ’s image.
We started revival last night. There was a church full of people, lots of good music and preaching. Bro Don was the evangelist; it was a Spirit filled night. The alter was full as people Prayed for the struggles in their lives. Bro Don will baptize one on Sunday. We are excited about the start of the revival.
VBS started this morning we had a good start about 200-225. The nationals taught and did a great job. The children are very much in control when the nationals teach. We are very grateful to the Arkansas team without the teams we couldn’t have a VBS in the manner that we do. We give them Thanks for sacrificing their time and the money to come here to share Gods Word. The teaching time was great, in the teen and adult class. is where I stayed and helped We are each teamed up with a national so we can learn one from another. They are very excited that the Teams are here. I know the Arkansas Team works all year getting things ready and preparing crafts for 400. Adults and children love the glitter and glue. I had four stand this morning for prayer. We are getting a great start. .
I haven’t heard much from the other teams. But I know everything is great with them.
Pray for us that this will be a life changing experience for the country of Belize and for the ones that came to share their lives with us here.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Ready for VBS

Getting ready for VBS

Well its almost time for VBS. We are getting ready on this end. We have got the candy, cookies, sugar, kool-aid, and cups ready to pick up. Don and Brad are getting water, cokes, etc, in Sand Hill today Ernesto and Galo are getting the cars ready to go. We will get the food the first part of the week. The beds are being put in place. All the nationals have what they need. The youth Rally is being planed. We had the workshop and we are prepared. . NOW pray about the weather. It has rained for several weeks now and it looks like we will a few more days of it. We can’t do anything about the weather. Maybe its time for sunshine!! We are looking forward to seeing everyone!!


Youth Camp Group


In appreciation


Getting their certificates


Osman says Thanks


Praise Team


Don awards Camper with Best Team Spirit


San Lazaro ladies BEST FOOD EVER


Look alike Contest!


Osman & Claudio at Camp

Friday, July 14, 2006


Water Fight


Claudio having a great time!


Youth Camp

Youth Camp
Don and I had a great time at the Youth Camp. We really didn’t know if there was anything to do except carry things for camp and the people from San Lazaro and August Pine Ridge. But we shouldn’t have worried. There is always work to be done in Gods Kingdom. The Youth Camp attendance was down this year. They couldn’t get the Kings College for the same date. That made Youth camp earlier some of the children weren’t out of school. Also some of the teachers were gone, couldn’t get off their jobs or at workshops for the ending of school. But sometimes the smaller camps are the most Spirit filled. And that was so this week. Don ended up preaching except for Spanish night. There were about 12 decisions made at the camp. on Thursday night . Wednesday Bro. Victor preached and did a great job the Guiana Grass group came up and their band played it was a good night. The Spanish songs were mostly sung that night all the night services were attended well and the music was very good. Sand Hill has a great group. . Don will baptize those from August Pine Ridge on Sunday if the rain doesn’t get in the way. I was asked to help Osman with the teen class. He did the teaching I only helped. But I had a great time. We carried a van full of people and Don carried the truck to get supplies for the camp.
There were games and good classes. I enjoyed the Iguana look alike contest. Everyone had a great time with that. They divided up into three teams and dressed up the smallest child to look like an Iguana. The best would win. Those poor children!! But what a good time they had. I was asked to be judge of the contest but everyone got into the act. I am glad about that. I hate deciding such things it was too hard to choose. Everyone worked hard. Claudio worked hard to get things together. . I think his favorite time was the water fight. Claudio and Osman did a great job of working with the Youth. Don and myself have always enjoyed the youth and we did this year. They all treated us with great love and respect. They were such a great pleasure to know. The singing was good Alice taught us some new songs. Georgia was like one of the youth. We all had a great time. Together. It was a good week and lives were changed.
I was surprised with a Birthday cake on Friday. It was pink and full of sparkles along with candles. They all sang Happy Birthday to me. Thanks to Meralla, Angie, and Heidy for all the good meals. They did a super job. They ask to hand out the diplomas. It was a great pleasure. It was a good week.


Workshop Group


Pat & Lisa Singing Praises

Thursday, July 13, 2006




Workshop for Blitz at Orange Walk

We had workshop for the Blitz on Saturday. It was well attended. There were 25 their. All the churches were represented and willing to teach and help all they could. All the pastors were their but one. We had a good time everyone took part. We even did some presentations dealing with how to handle situations in Bible School. There was a good Spirit there. We have talked since the workshop and everyone is ready for the Blitz. Everyone went his or her own way after we ate. Books were handed out and pamphlets for those that have taken the Lord as their savior so the pastor can help them. When the teams are gone. Guinea Grass will have the Youth Rally on a Saturday afternoon. That will start off the Youth Rally. All the churches will take a part. Bro. Roy, Mary and their grandson Christopher stayed in Fire bun . Held the VBS in Fire bun and Shipyard earlier in the month. We appreciate all there hard work. Also there sacrifice. Fire bun appreciates the new pews and fans that have been donated to the Church.


San Lazaro Awards


Graduation San Lazaro


Graduation San Lazaro


Graduation Sand hill & San Lazaro

Sand Hill Graduation was a very good night. There was good attendance and a very good program. They have worked hard and we appreciate them very much. We were glad Charlie Joe could be there for the Graduation before he had to leave on the next day. to go home to the states.

San Lazaro Graduation was a very good evening. We had a good group of Young People. They also had their Graduation for the Preschool at the same time. They all looked great in their caps and gowns. Don led the opening prayer. Mrs. Gloria handed out the Diplomas. Each group had a presentation. The girls sang and danced with the grace of a swan. The place was full not another could enter. We can be very proud of our schools.


San Lazaro Football Team


San Lazaro Wins 1st in Football

San Lazaro wins first place in both the Boys and Girls Football game against Guinea Grass School Tournament. We are very proud of them. They are a good group of Young People.

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