Thursday, December 13, 2007


New Church at Progresso

Don starts the new church at Progresso

Greetings, well I guess all of you wonder what has happened to us. It has been a while since I have written. Don worked until everything was completed with the hurricane relief and finishing the fence for the school at San Lazaro. He and the men worked night and day until all was done. It was sad to leave. The people from the village had us over to eat and say good-by. The church at San Lazaro gave us a good by party. There were many people that came to say good-by. After tears and good-by as many of you already know we returned to Arkansas. We left Belize Sept 18th to drive through Mexico with our things. We took Galo with us to help us move driving through Mexico with two trailers is no easy task. We really needed Galo to speak the language for us and help if we had trouble. It was the first time he was away from his family and a new adventure for him. We needed Galo a lot as we were stopped by soldiers countless times on our way to Arkansas. It was an exciting adventure to say the least and I am afraid it was a lot farther than Galo had ever though. We finally reached the border and had even more adventures but at last we crossed over into the states. Galo was amazed to see how large the country was. Everything was so different and so big. He had never seen so many cars and trucks in all of his life. The motorcycles were just amazing. We took pictures by many of them. It was truly a new world for him. He was eager to get our things off the trailer and help as he had sat for days in the van. He was ready to do something. We carried him to Wal Mart, and all the stores we could and all the places to eat we could think of. We wanted him to see everything he could while he was here. He was real impressed with our church. He saw ways he could help to improve his own. He was given a chance to share his testimony and it was a great blessing. Lettsworth, La. Church wanted him to come and visit while he was here. So we carried him to Tammy’s church. He was excited to see the different personalities of the churches people attended in the states and where they live. Then we carried him to Brother Billy Frank Gerald’s and saw his world. It was all just amazing to Galo. We also carried him to see the Wesley Biblical Seminary. He was so impressed. He had met several people that had attended there. He was also impressed to see the Belize flag sitting on the stage with other countries. In a little while he also saw come of the youth that had come to Belize. It was very exciting for all of us. We tried to show Galo all of the states we could before he had to return home. But finally it was time to go. We carried him back to the border where he would ride with a truck driver from Sand Hill that makes the run every couple of weeks. He would deliver him back home after many days travel. Galo was a great blessing to us and we will always be grateful to him. As he started to leave he told us. He never understood before all that the missionaries give up to come to Belize and live there. It is a great sacrifice to leave home and go to a different land. He also understood more about the summer missionaries and how it is hard sometime to adjust to a different culture. I think we all learned a lot about each other’s worlds. By this time Galo was getting very homesick. He was anxious to see his wife and little girl. In the next few months there will also be another little one. We are anxious for its arrival. We shall miss all of them.

When we left Belize Don was left field director and will run things from the states for now. He will fly back every few months to check on things. Our church at Union has been very willing to let Don go back and forth. Mrs. Gloria will still be manager over the schools. He would talk by phone and see there are no problems. If there is money in our share account then they will help with plane fares if not Don will pay for it himself. The Lord has always proved for his workers. We do appreciate all that has been done in the past. It took what was in our account and more to move us home.

Don and Frank Robinson flew to Belize on Nov. 30. Don had made a commitment to build the church at Progresso and the Louisiana conference has supplied $7,500 (I think) to build it. Don flew down to lay the foundation and put the walls up. Tony Russell’s team will come sometime in Feb. to put the roof on and the doors and windows and Don will also be a part of that. Don will return tonight and I will post as soon as I hear all that has been done and I hope with pictures. Pray for us as we seek the Lords will for our lives. We are in Strong and Don is pastor of the church at Union here. We love our people and it is good to be home but we also miss those we left behind. Let me know if you are reading the blog. It helps when I hear comments. Thanks again for your love and support.

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